Friday, April 15, 2022

Weekend Creativity Challenge

 Happy FRIYAY and a long weekend to boot!

I had done a poll up a while ago to try to come up with ideas to help improve engagement in the group for members by posting more meaningful and inspiring content to help with promoting health and wellness and one of the things was ways to help with supporting peoples creativity! 

Nurturing one’s creativity is SO key to helping to ensure a healthy mindset … human beings are all born with an instinct to express themselves through creativity but sometimes external factors impede peoples abilty to engage in creative expression and so their full healthy mindset is also impeded! We need to get back to ensuring that everyone has at least ONE creative outlet for expressing themselves. 

So introducing the new Weekend Creativity Challenge - each week I will post a photo prompt, like below, that you can use to get your creativity mojo going! 

Choose from the photos colours or imagery or just the general feeling that it brings to your heart! 

You can create with whatever medium speaks to you and inspires you! There are so many ways to nurture one’s creative soul! 

What’s your favorute way to nurture creativity?
Here are just a few of mine:
Mixed media / Painting
Fun Nail designs
Poetry/Short Story/Blog writing

Snap a photo of your creative work and share it in our Facebook Community by the following Thursday night at midnight to get your name entered into the draw! 

Here is my creation using inspiration from the colours in the photo.

Bonus entry if you share the creative prompt image  and your own entry on your own social media in a public setting and tag my Totallyawake4-life & Nailin' it Together group and use the hashtag #TA4L001 in this case but I will change the number with each new prompt and have it in the prompt to help remember it. 

I will be doing a monthly prize draw inside the group here from all the creative entry’s shared and that show up tagged outside the group (remember the settings needs to be public otherwise I cannot search the hashtag to see them)  … let’s help spread the joy and benefits of creativity together 💗

Happy creating! 

Love, Laugh, Love
Be Totallyawake4-life 

*post contains affiliate links 

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