Looking for Luscious lips this winter? Your lips are like a sponge ~ when exposed to moisture they absorb the water and plump up nice and full and when dehydrated they dry out and look cracked. Unlike other parts of your body that you can put clothes or a hat on they are always exposed so they are more
prone to dehydration, particularly during the cold, windy winter months.
Like the rest of your skin, your lips have all three of these layers --
the difference is that the stratum corneum on your lips is far thinner
than it is anywhere else on your body. Your lips also don't have any
sebaceous glands -- these glands keep your skin moisturized, but your
lips are on their own. Their only source of moisture is your saliva, and
that's why they can easily become dry and chapped.
Another difference between your lips and the rest of your skin is that
your lips don't have melanin, the pigment that makes you tan when you're
exposed to the sun. Melanin is your body's natural way of protecting
your skin from ultraviolet rays, and because your lips don't have any,
they're at a higher risk of getting sunburned. Because your lips can't
protect themselves from sun damage, it's important to use a lip balm
that contains sunscreen -- your lips can develop sunspots and skin
cancer just like the rest of your skin.
7 Luscious Lip Tips

Loose the Lip Licking ~ saliva contains digestive enzymes whose sole purpose are to break down food when it is constantly put in places it does not belong it will do the same thing ~ break down the layers of skin causing dry, cracked and painful lips to occur.

Humidifier heaven: During the winter months the furnace in our home is a humidity sucker taking the much needed water out of the air as it works to turn the cool air into warm for us as a result our skin in general including our lips can become dry ~ run a humidifier during the winter. We had one hooked right up to our furnace that during the winter 'adds' water for us and during the summer months removes it to keep the perfect amount of humidity in the house ~ since doing this I have stopped struggling with bloody noses in the winter and my skin does not feel all dry and itchy when I wake up!

Sun Protection for your Lips: Lips
are susceptible to sunburn since they lack melanin, the pigment that
helps shield skin from the sun. Apply a layer of a sun-protective
product daily ~ either in the form of your moisturizer for your skin or SPF specifically for the lips.
Minimize the Matte: Many Matte
lipsticks on the market can be extremely drying as this is what helps these lipsticks stay put
for so long on your lips. If you already have dry lips this style of lipstick can than be problematic and should be used sparingly and ideally when used accompanied with an awesome hydrating balm used underneath.
Have an amazing day!
Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much
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