So my mission this week was to figure out a way to take the main ingredients in the above and find a way to create a recipe where the nutritonal facts are better ... aka lower the carbs and increase the fiber and so forth.
Margaret's Spicy Caribbean
Pineapple Mango Sauce
Yields: just shy of 2 cups of sauce ~ my apologizes I did not think to take a photo last night in my rush to get dinner on the table however next time I make this I will upload a new photo so you can see what it looks like!
What You Need
- 1 ripe mango - diced. If they are not in season 1/2 cup flash frozen thawed
- 1/2 cup of diced pineapple. If fresh is not in season flash frozen thawed
- 1 medium size lime
- 4 tablespoons Coconut milk
- 1 tablespoon crushed red pepper
- 1-2 splashes of Sriracha sauce
- 1 ounce tequila
- 1 tablespoon raw Honey
What You Do:
- Juice the lime directly into your blender - make sure no seeds drop in. If you do not have fresh lime you could use lime juice follow the amounts suggested for '1 lime' replacement.
- Add all remaining ingredients into your blender
- Pulse together until you get a creamy pureed sauce consistency for a true sauce OR you can leave it chunkier for a 'chutney' depending on your desire.
- Allow flavors to marinate together in the fridge for a couple of hours before adding to your recipe.
- Freeze any unused sauce in an air tight container for the next time its needed or store in the fridge for a few days if going to use up for leftovers or what not. I would not keep it more than 3-4 days myself cause without an preservatives you just do not know how long it will stay safe.
Spicy Caribbean Turkey Stir Fry
This sauce pairs nicely cold as a 'dip' for homemade chicken nuggets or tossed in with stir fry veggies and poultry, pork or beef (shown above) as well as we love it in the crockpot over mini meatballs or tossed with chicken wings and baked. I also love it as a ketchup alternative with my Butternut squash french fries.
And for the nutritional comparison used the Calorie Count Recipe Converter ... and as you can see compared to the store bought facts above we have lowered the calories by over 50% and lowered the carbs by over 75% and added some dietary fibre and the taste and consistency is still pretty close.
Have an amazing day!
Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much
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