Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Halloween Party Prep

Only a few more sleeps until Halloween ~ my other half is getting stoked and the older kids in the daycare have started to show some interest in 'pumpkins and ghosts' so we've started to play some games in the program and I have added a few 'costumes' for them to explore with including the Witches hat.

Here are two of our favorites DIY Halloween games we love to play

Witches Ring Toss 

What You Need
  • Witches hat ~ we got ours at the Dollar Store
  • Florist Wire
  • Washi Tape
What You Do
  •  Make 'circles' with the florist wire and twist the ends together to close into your ring.
  • To protect little fingers wrap Washi Tape (or duct tape) around the twisted ends to keep them covered while playing.
  • We used my 'yoga' mat for the play surface ... children at one end of the mat and the hat at the other end and they 'tossed' the rings trying to get them onto the point of the hat. 
  • So as my crew is all under 4 at the moment so they do not need to keep score in a game ~ the game is practicing taking turns and cheering others on!However with older children you could 'score' your ring toss like you would Horseshoes based on how close their ring gets to being 'on' the witches hat.
 Pumpkin Toss

What You Need
  •  Jack O Lantern or a Cauldron or other equally fun 'Halloween Themed' bucket
  • Styrofoam Pumpkins (good ole Dollar Store) you could also use 'orange socks' or soft balls or pom poms or something else to decorate as a pumpkin
What You Do
  •  Again we used our trusty yoga mat as our game surface and we tossed the pumpkins into the bucket ~ my crew is all under 4 at the moment so they do not need to keep score in a game ~ the game is practicing taking turns and cheering others on! 
 Other Ideas for Party Fun with things around the house
  • Witches Limbo ~ use a broom to play Limbo game to some fun Halloween Music
  • Pin the Tail on the Cat ~ make a big black cat silhouette for the wall and some 'tails'... no black paper? No worries use a washable marker on a patio door to draw your cat! When you are done wash it off! 
Have an amazing day!

Life Well, Laugh Often, Love Much

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