Love this awesome visual for kids!
The news tonight was discussing the important of labeling food benefits for children specially when introducing new food. Helping them learn to make the connect that food isn’t just about eating what we “like” but about eating what our body needs to be nourished!
The news tonight was discussing the important of labeling food benefits for children specially when introducing new food. Helping them learn to make the connect that food isn’t just about eating what we “like” but about eating what our body needs to be nourished!
Focusing on benefits that are not only accurate but are goals that children would be motivated to achieve - protein helps to build strong muscles so you can jump and climb, veggies give you energy so that you can run faster and grow taller and so forth ... young children really want to be big and strong motivating them to make connection that healthy eating is KEY to doing that!
Another trick I use with children is that your “taste buds” are just like everything else in your body - they grow bigger every day so while your taste buds might not have been big enough to appreciate broccoli (or whatever new food your trying to palette) today they might be bigger so it’s important to keep trying to see if your taste buds are big enough yet. Again children CRAVE being seen as “big enough” so using words and presentation of food in a way that motivates them to want to try verses trying to battle or barter or bribe them to get them to try! Intrinsic motivation is the BEST route to life long healthy eating!
Have an amazing day
Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much
Be Totallyawake4-life
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