Monday, May 13, 2019

Day 15 Epic Life Challenge

Nothing like starting the day with a Torani inspired Irish Cream smoothie ... seriously love how these syrups can pack a punch of flavor with no calories!

Lunch was a Tuna Guacamole Salad - thank you Epicure for this taste sensation! If you have not tried the Guacamole seasoning blend highly recommend it great for making homemade guac in seconds but also create for adding to tuna or chicken or even an omelette!
Dinner was comfort food - soup for a quick and easy meal solution on a day when my pain level is very high at the end of the day I was just done!
And evidence of both increased carb cravings and poor pain management in having a dessert with my spouse for dinner! I had bought him these little single serve options from M and M's because well figured it would help me avoid temptation of making him desserts from scratch and than not getting to eat them - but epic fail on that part!

Thankfully got my workout done in the morning because I was toast by the end of the day and am heading to bed early and at least I can feel a little less guilty with my food choices knowing I got my workout in!

Have an epic day!

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much
Be Totallyawake4-life

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